Saturday, February 22, 2014

Anchor Yourself Down

How many times have you felt so frustrated by your situation that you had to flee from it as fast as you could only to find yourself in the same situation again? Through various events and circumstances in my own life, God has been speaking into my heart the message of anchoring down in the situation instead of fleeing from it. I am a first time author and have often told my story of me not wanting to write what God told me to write. Each time I chose to step away from the writing process, God would cause certain events in my life to occur that would always lead me back to the writing process again. I felt that the weight of the message He was speaking through me was too heavy for me to handle. After everything was said and done, I realized that God was in control and He did not want me to flee my situation, but rather to anchor down in it. He was not trying to push me out of the situation. He was trying to push me through the situation.

So many times I see people going through the same old trials over and over again. Each time they flee the situation. Because God allows them to leave the situation without much effort and other opportunities show themselves present, they feel that God gave them permission to leave. My spin on it is this; God allows you to leave the situation, but He did not necessarily present the opportunity to you or if He did it was not for the sake of you leaving your current situation. Sometimes God will test us. He will see if we want His presence more than we want to be comfortable. I am a firm believer that if God is going to do something special through you, it won’t be in your comfort zone. I have found that within my comfort zone, is only mediocrity. God wants more out of us than just mediocrity. He wants greatness.

So instead of running from an impossible situation, consider anchoring down in it. Tell God He has your complete confidence that He will do great things through you in whatever situation you find yourself.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Let God be your strength in your impossible situation so He can get the glory when others see you succeed.

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