Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Step Away from the Vanity Mirror

So many of us are consumed with how we look; that would be men as well as women.  We spend so much time in front of the mirror trying to look good to and for others.  We use the mirror as a way to see our faults so that we can then cover them up.  When we walk away from the mirror, our goal is to “look” better than when we first sat down or stood up in front of it; however when we leave the mirror we are still the same flawed person that stood before the mirror.  We walk away feeling like a different person when really are not.

The vanity mirror for most people today, including Christians, is the world.  We want to look like the world and sound like the world.  We want the world to think that we look good and sound good.  We want the world to influence others in how they view us.  We are constantly staring into the vanity mirror hoping that the image reflected back to us is one that is acceptable to the majority.

The problem with using the world as our mirror is that we are not getting a true image of what is wrong with us.  This mirror says something is good when God says it is bad.  This mirror says to just cover it up and everything will be OK.  We walk away from this mirror with a temporary sense of confidence that gradually fades throughout the day.  We began to hope and pray that the flaws we have covered up will remain under cover. 

The true mirror for Christians is the word of God.  It was not created so we could cover up our faults.  It was created to expose our faults so that we can appropriately deal with them.  When you think about the Ten Commandments, they were not simply meant to be a set of rules to keep.  They were meant to be a body of work that God used to show us how we can’t keep them in its entirety.  God wants us to see how much we need Him.  He shows us daily that if we look into His mirror in an earnest manner, we will walk away humbled and submitted to His will because we will truly see that it is only His will that means anything in this world.

God asks us daily Mark 8:36 – What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

Let the Word be your mirror and not the world.

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